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Supporting the Women in BIM Mentor Scheme

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Cadventure to support the new Women in BIM Mentor Scheme

Women in BIM (WIB) has selected Elaine Lewis, Cadventure Managing Director to become a Mentor in the new WIB Mentoring Scheme: BIMentor.

This new mentoring scheme, which has been developed to support female professionals in the built environment in the UK, is an important project for WIB, aligning to its ambitions of growing a more diverse industry fuelled by innovation and technology in construction.

WIB was set up in 2012 to firstly draw attention to the disparity between the number of men and women in BIM related roles and secondly to support women in furthering their construction careers.

WIB work tirelessly to ensure there are more women showcased in the digital construction space and throughout the BIM community. WIB has an active core team in London and regional representation globally which provides support in growing the initiative. 

Historically, WIB has had a significant influence on supporting and empowering women by acting as mentors to each other and to younger women looking to enter the construction industry. This action has now been formalised in a new mentoring programme and a selected group of digital construction specialists will be delivering this programme. 

Commenting on her appointment to the mentoring scheme, Elaine said: “This is a very exciting WIB initiative and exactly what we should doing to help one another. I am honoured to be chosen as a mentor and strongly believe that we will all gain mutual benefit from being part of this opportunity to give back.”

WIB founder and global chair, Rebecca De Cicco added: “To have Elaine’s experience and industry insight as part of our mentor programme is amazing, I’ve worked with Elaine for many years and her professionalism together with her wealth of knowledge will be an incredible asset for WIB.

“This new scheme has been developed to unite people with a passion for technology and construction. One of the biggest obstacles to BIM adoption is the lack of in-house expertise, therefore our new scheme is a direct response to this, positioned to make a positive impact on the much-needed growth of BIM skills in our industry. No one is better placed than Elaine Lewis to help us with this.”

To find out more about the new Mentor Scheme, visit the WIB website.

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