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GeoStudio Flow

Geo-environmental engineering software

Seequent | The Bentley Subsurface Company

Seequent is the subsurface software company within Bentley Systems. Together, we’re helping build a more resilient future by connecting the built world above ground with the hidden world below it. It’s easy to purchase a Virtuoso Subscription, through Virtuosity, Bentley’s eStore, and still get the expert technical support from Seequent’s subsurface experts.

GeoStudio Flow

GeoStudio Flow offers a range of numerical analysis tools for simulating geo-environmental conditions above and below the ground surface. GeoStudio Flow can be used for a range of applications including excavations and open pit mines, dewatering systems, earthen dams and levees, tailings storage facilities, and waste cover systems. 

Two options are available for modelling in two- or three-dimensions. The tiers and the corresponding functionality are summarized below or download detailed product comparison.

Learning and Resources 

Learning content for all GeoStudio products, including courses, example files and product manuals, is available in the Seequent Learning Portal (a free Seequent ID is required to view this content). Additional content like past webinars, how-to guides, industry insights, and new feature information are found on the GeoStudio Blog. Technical support is including when purchasing a license. Find answers to common questions or submit a support ticket in the GeoStudio Support Portal. 

Analysis typeGeoStudio 2D FlowGeoStudio 3D Flow
Steady-state and transient saturated/unsaturated groundwater seepage
Land-climate coupling for determining surface water balance 
Steady-state and transient heat transfer
Freezing and thawing of pore water
Land-climate coupling for determining surface energy balance 
Steady-state and transient solute transfer
Steady-state and transient gas transfer
Steady-state and transient pore air flow
GeoStudio 2D Flow 

GeoStudio 2D Flow (SEEP/W​ + TEMP/W + CTRAN/W + AIR/W) offers the foundational capability to perform groundwater| contaminant| energy and pore-air movement analyses in porous media in two-dimensions. GeoStudio 2D Flow offers a comprehensive list of features| including: 

  • Comprehensive saturated-unsaturated formulation for steady-state or transient groundwater flow
  • Comprehensive formulation for steady-state or transient energy| solute| gas| or pore-air flow
  • Rigorous heat transfer formulation for simulating freeze-thaw conditions
  • Rigorous under-relaxation and convergence strategies
  • Option to include isothermal or thermal vapor transfer| and free convection of groundwater due to energy and/or concentration gradients
  • Estimation routines for hydraulic and thermal functions
  • Complete range of hydraulic boundary conditions| including atmospheric coupling to determine the surficial water balance
  • Complete range of thermal boundary conditions| including atmospheric coupling to determine the surficial energy balance
  • Complete range of concentration and air pressure boundary conditions
  • Convenient initial pore water pressure| pore air pressure| temperature and concentration definition
  • Powerful results graphing and visualization options| including isosurfaces and contouring
GeoStudio 3D Flow 

GeoStudio 3D Flow (SEEP3D​ + TEMP3D + CTRAN3D + AIR3D)  offers the foundational capability to perform groundwater| contaminant| energy and pore-air movement analyses in porous media in three-dimensions. GeoStudio 3D Flow offers a comprehensive list of features| including: 

  • Comprehensive saturated-unsaturated formulation for steady-state or transient groundwater flow
  • Comprehensive formulation for steady-state or transient energy| solute| gas| or pore-air flow
  • Rigorous heat transfer formulation for simulating freeze-thaw conditions
  • Rigorous under-relaxation and convergence strategies
  • Option to include isothermal or thermal vapor transfer| and free convection of groundwater due to energy and/or concentration gradients
  • Estimation routines for hydraulic and thermal functions
  • Complete range of hydraulic| thermal| concentration| and air pressure boundary conditions
  • Convenient initial pore water pressure| pore air pressure| temperature and concentration definition
  • Powerful results graphing and visualization options| including isosurfaces and contouring
GeoStudio 2D Flow includes the following:   


A​ powerful finite element software product for model​l​ing groundwater flow in porous media. SEEP/W can model simple saturated steady-state problems or sophisticated saturated / unsaturated transient analyses with atmospheric coupling at the ground surface.   


TEMP/W is a powerful finite element software product for model​l​ing heat transfer and phase change in porous media. TEMP/W can ​also ​analys​e simple conduction problems to complex surface energy simulations with cyclical freeze-thaw.     


CTRAN/W is a powerful finite element software product for model​l​ing solute and gas transfer in porous media. CTRAN/W can be used to model simple diffusion-dominated systems through to complex advection-dispersion systems with first-order reactions.     


AIR/W is a powerful finite element software product for model​l​ing air transfer in mine waste and other porous media. AIR/W can be used to model a range of scenarios, from simple single phase air transfer problems to complex coupled air-water systems.  

GeoStudio 3D Flow includes the following:   


SEEP3D is a finite element software product for modeling groundwater flow in porous media. SEEP3D can model simple saturated steady-state problems or sophisticated saturated / unsaturated transient analyses with atmospheric coupling at the ground surface.


TEMP3D analyzes heat transfer in the ground via conduction and forced convection with a full range of material models and boundary conditions to tackle engineering and environmental challenges.  


CTRAN3D is a mass transfer formulation for analyzing solute and gas transfer in porous media.


AIR3D models air flow in the subsurface and can be integrated with SEEP3D, TEMP3D, and CTRAN3D to model various physical processes.  

Core system Requirements for 2D and 3D analyses

Item Minimum Recommended 
Operating System   Microsoft¬Æ Windows¬Æ 11| Windows¬Æ 10. Installers require the latest Visual C++ Redistributable runtime libraries installed.   Windows¬Æ 10 x64   
Proessor Intel¬Æ Pentium¬Æ 4 or better| or AMD Opteron‚Ñ¢ or Athlon‚Ñ¢ 64 or better (GeoStudio is optimized for multi-core Intel processors.)   Intel¬Æ i5| i7| i9| AMD Ryzen   
System Memory 4GB RAM 16GB RAM 
Storage 64GB 500GB 
Display 1024×768 Full HD 
Graphics Requirements NVIDIA¬Æ GT 300| ATI¬Æ Radeon¬Æ HD 4000 Series| Intel¬Æ HD Graphics 3000/2000. 

2GB VRAM / DirectX 10+ support| e.g. NVIDIA GeForce| AMD Radeon 
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