International Women’s Day 2024
For International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8th, we take a moment to reflect on the significance of this empowering day.
IWD is not just about acknowledging the achievements of women but also recognising the work that lies ahead. It is a collective call to action, a reminder to break barriers, challenge stereotypes, and foster a world where everyone thrives. It is not a last-minute rush to put women on a panel, or to simply calculate our percentage of female staff in the AEC sector or a way to tick off equality and diversity goals through our involvement in a Women in STEM initiatives. Or as some report an opportunity for cupcakes and cocktails – although there is never a reason not to do this.
Why is it crucial? Gender equality is not just a women’s issue; it is a societal issue. When we empower women, we uplift communities, drive innovation, and build a more inclusive future.
Let us use this day to celebrate the incredible women around us – the leaders, the visionaries, the changemakers, the rising stars and those at the start of their journey. Let us also commit to doing our part in creating workplaces and communities where every individual, regardless of gender, has equal opportunities to succeed. Whether it is through mentorship, support, or advocating for inclusive policies, let’s strive for progress.
Small actions lead to big changes.
Before you ask, there is an International Men’s Day. This is on the 19th of November with the objective of valuing male role models, acknowledging their contribution, tackling discrimination, and fostering positive gender relations. In short making the world a safer place for everyone.
Let’s make International Women’s Day a catalyst for positive change!