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OpenCities Map

Geospatial software for digital cities

Document and model 2D and 3D assets

With OpenCities Map, you can efficiently document and model assets in a 2D or 3D geospatial environment. Integrate, process, and stream reality modeling data such as large-scale reality meshes, point clouds, scalable terrain models, and raster data for use in a federated environment to improve collaboration and make better-informed decisions.

Because every firm has different needs, there are three variations of OpenCities Map to choose from: 

  • OpenCities Map PowerView – Provides 2D design capabilities for creating and maintaining engineering-quality spatial data.
  • OpenCities Map Advanced – Expands CAD environment capabilities with feature-based modeling and spatial databases connection.
  • OpenCities Map Ultimate – The most comprehensive variation of OpenCities Map, offers efficient 2D and 3D modeling capabilities to document assets in a geospatial environment.
Create intelligent geospatial objects and analyses

OpenCities Map offers 2D and 3D capabilities, making it easy for you to create and maintain engineering-quality spatial data of your city assets. You can create geospatial objects using interactive snapping capabilities and also include dynamic labeling, annotation, raster display and editing, printing, and publishing. Perform topology overlays, create thematic 2D and 3D maps, detect 3D collisions, as well as perform shadow and solar analysis.

Integrate, collaborate, interoperate

Work in a real-world digital context to make informed decisions, by integrating 3D reality meshes of any scale and adding semantic information. Manage and share geospatial and related data in a federated environment by combining a map-based interface with project, document, and workflow management capabilities to improve collaboration. You will improve team collaboration by being able to view engineering and geospatial data within a reality context and easily share and stream 3D models across project teams. Plus, you can even import and export other GIS formats to OpenCities Map.

Create scalable terrain models

You can display large terrain models in a variety of modes, such as smooth shading with shadows. The application can synchronize terrain models with source data such as DGN files, and point-cloud data, so it’s easy to create lifelike visualizations. Save time and improve quality with access to libraries of accurate materials, lighting, and rich photorealistic content.


Intel® or AMD® processor 1.0 GHz or greater. MicroStation is not supported on a CPU that does not support SSE2

Operating System

Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2016 (64 bit), Windows Server 2012 R2 (64 bit)

Virtualized Environments

Citrix XenApp 7.15 64-bit on Windows Server 2012 R2


4 GB minimum, 16 GB recommended

Disk Space

25 GB minimum, up to 40 GB depending on additional installations such as companion features and companion products


Internet connectivity is required to use some features and install software pre-requisites.

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