OpenRail ConceptStation
Rail network conceptual design software
Perform conceptual rail designs during the preliminary and planning design stages
OpenRail ConceptStation is a conceptual rail design software that allows you to rapidly create conceptual designs during the preliminary and planning design stages of your rail network projects. The software lets you quickly jump-start your project, improve the decision-making process, and eliminate high-cost and high-risk items. With rail, electrification, tunnel, and bridge design capabilities, you can create intelligent models in context and evaluate your conceptual design options with real-world data and cost analysis to rapidly determine optimal designs.
Add digital contextual and render in real-time with cinematic quality
You can incorporate contextual information including reality meshes and model in a real-world setting when you locate and download data-rich context information. Quickly import data from your GIS to create intelligent 3D models letting you jump-start your conceptual design process. You can easily use 3D output from Bentley’s reality modeling software, ContextCapture, to model in a real-world setting. Add data you already have such as GIS and DGN to get more detail in your 3D models. Then create stunning photo-realistic visualizations in seconds using dynamic immersive visualization engine platform providing natural looking light and shadows, real-time global illumination, IES point and spotlights, lens flares, and luminous materials. Interactively adjust time of day, add lens flares, and apply depth of field while benefiting from highly accurate reflections, anti-aliasing, and motion blur.
Layout conceptual track designs
Design your railway with object-oriented capabilities to create track geometry for mainline, yards, stations, and sidings. Add turnouts, crossovers, and other furniture in hours not days using engineering-friendly design capabilities, all while adhering to industry design standards. And evaluate viable track alternatives by creating multiple design scenarios with associated costs to make better decision and optimize rail, electrification, tunnel, and bridge designs to address criteria such as clearances and cost assessment for each concept. Quickly load your historical bid tabulations to ensure realistic cost information to help determine the best alternative to move forward into detailed design.
Design electrification systems
You can adhere to industry design standards and enhance your conceptual track designs with overhead line electrification systems from libraries of masts and portals catering for single and double cantilevers and wire runs with stagger and overlaps.
Design Track Geometry
- Place tracks
- Follows rail standards; class, design speed, default curve radius, transition lengths
- Automatic cant application (cant equation)
- Best fit existing ground vertically or create a straight vertical alignment
- Template (typical cross-section) based approach
- Named tracks
- Place multitracks
- Select different templates
- Input offset between track
- Tracks work together, any edit done to main geometry updates the tracks
- Track geometries can also be individually modified
- Editing of horizontal alignment
- Insert PI, delete PI, move PI
- Edit curve radius graphically or precisely using heads-up text editing
- Editing of vertical alignment
- Insert PVI, Delete PVI, Move PVI
- Edit vertical curve length and slope graphically or precisely using heads-up text editing
- Template drop editing
- Easy editing of template drops and stationing
Design Yard/Station Areas
- Yard placement tool to create level ground elevations
- Select different templates with different widths
- Create offset geometries
- User defined offset values, follow vertical geometry
- Precise turnout definitions
- Extensive turnout library
- Crossing angles and defined turnout geometries
- Does not allow creation of arbitrary geometries
- Modify turnout locations
- Automatic snapping, horizontally and vertically
- Snapping to turnout geometries
- Snapping to end of track geometries
- Fit turnouts
- Fit turnouts to geometry intersections
- Creates precise turnouts, does not allow creation of arbitrary geometries
- Create crossovers
- Automatic placement of turnouts
- Separate start and end turnout definitions
Design Overhead Line Systems
- Place masts
- Mast placement based on design standards
- User-selected offset values
- Span lengths are based on horizontal curvature and design tables
- Place portals
- Portal placement based on design standards
- Tracks that will be electrified can be selected
- Automatic placement of cantilevers based on track geometries
- Create cantilevers
- Single and double cantilevers
- Automatic selection of push-pull configuration based on geometry and offset
- Create Wires
- Automatic wire creation
- Catenary, contact, and dropper wires
- Library-based encumbrance and stagger values
- Overlaps
- Maximum wire length input, automatic creation of wire overlaps
- Different overlap definitions for straight and curved sections
- Library based overlap definitions
- Manual overlap placement and removal
- Edit overhead line items
- Change offset and station of the masts and portals
- Change the selected mast and cantilever definition, push-pull configuration
- Automatic update of structures upon geometry modifications
Place Rail Signals
- Place railway signals using provided library
Assemble Context Data
- Import the following file types:
- Terrain Models (.DTM, .TIN)
- Raster DEM (.IMG, .DEM)
- Images (Ingr. TIFF / GEOTIFF (*.tif; *.tiff), Internet TIFF and TIFF64 (*.Itiff; *.itiff64), JPEG (*.Jpg; *.jpeg; *.jpe; *.jfif), JPEG 2000 (*.jp2; *.j2k; *.jpm), MrSID (*.sid), ERMapper Compressed Wavelets (*.ecw))
- GIS (SHP, Esri File Geodatabase, OpenStreetMap) can be mapped to ConceptStation objects and attributes
- Filter based on project extent, view, all, fence »» DGN as read-only
- Reference Reality Meshes (.3MX) from Bentley’s ContextCapture
- Reality Data Services
- 3D data (Terrain, Imagery, Roads, Rail, Hydro, Buildings)
Design Bridges
- Place bridges
- Simple two clicks bridge placement
- Number of supports automatically determined from the bridge length
- Can set girder type, support type, abutment type, wing walls
- Can set bridge deck template
- Edit bridges
- Simple editing of Horizontal and Vertical
- Change girder type, support type, abutment type, wing walls
- Change number of spans/supports, number of girder
- Rotate supports, move/skew abutment
Design Tunnels
- Place tunnels
- Simple two-clicks tunnel placement, using 3D or profile view
- Tunnel template automatically determined from the track template
- Creates entrance and exit portals
- Edit tunnels
- Simple editing of horizontal and vertical
- Buffer lengths
- Portal grading and offset
Railway Template
- Create new template
- Easy component-based creation
- Ballast and rail components
- Component material determines quantities and cost
- Manage template
- Duplicate, delete, copy/paste, rename
- Modify template
- Save change as copy
- Modify the entire design
Estimate Cost and Quantities
- Project cost overview
- High level overall design cost
- Includes allowance by default
- Detailed quantities/cost, listing cost items, and associated quantities for rail track and overhead line equipment
- Cut, fill, and ballast quantities
- Tunnel length, volume, and bridge
- Masts, portals based on types
- Single and double cantilevers
- Wire quantities
Interoperability with Detailed Civil Design
- Export to OpenRail
- Export ALG, IRD, ITL, TIN
- Supports geometry, template, template drop transition
- Export CAD model
- 3D DGN model
Place City Furniture
- Place and edit guardrails
- Ability to choose what symbol to use
- Ability to set offset from alignment
- Ability to set angle from alignment
- Place and edit streetlights and other city furniture
- Ability to choose what symbol to use
- Ability to set offset from alignment
- Ability to set angle from alignment
Aerial Imageries
- Bing Map as images provider
- Real-time rendering
- Automatic train animation
- Adding cars, people, trees
- Changing atmospheric conditions, time (day, night), seasons
- Output high-end images, videos, and LiveCube (LumenRT)
Intel Pentium-based or AMD Athlon-based processor 2.0 GHz or greater.
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x 64
16 GB minimum (more memory typically results in better performance)
Disk Space
9 GB minimum free disk space (which includes the 5.6 GB install footprint for a complete installation)
Input Devices
Mouse or digitizing tablet (Digitizing tablet requires vendor-supplied WINTAB driver or Bentley’s Digitizer Tablet Interface, the latter included with OpenRoads Designer installation.)