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OpenTower Designer

Communication tower analysis and design software

Efficiently design, model, and visualise communication towers faster than ever

If you are looking to improve efficiency on your next tower project, you are in the right place. With OpenTower Designer you can efficiently design and model towers, such as lattice towers and guyed masts, as well as equipment like antennas, mounts, and linear appurtenances.

OpenTower Designer is a purpose-built solution for telecommunication tower analysis and design that captures real-life workflows, including tower modification, multiple scenario evaluations, foundation checks, and connection designs. It connects to equipment databases to automatically generate wind and seismic loadings, analyze the structure, and produce custom reports. The application’s advanced graphics show a realistic view of the tower, including 3D rendering of equipment and feedlines.

Bentley’s tower applications are built to specifically suit tower workflows to optimize design time. With both graphical and text-based definitions of tower structures, you can design and complete projects faster than ever.

Create realistic graphics with precision

Save time and rework with powerful 3D physical modeling and visualize the 3D model with appurtenances to understand the exact positioning of equipment and feedlines.

Perform advanced analysis

Analyze and design monopoles and self-supporting and guyed communication towers and automatically generate loads for any number of directions with user-defined topographic configurations.  You can also define cluster formation of linear ancillaries and resistance ancillaries. Perform sub-truss analysis or minimum bracing resistance check, static applicability check, asymmetric ice loading or escalated ice, segmental guy cables, auto patch loading, and guy rupture analysis.

Physical Modeling and Lifecycle Management

  • Create a living history of a tower’s lifecycle management through modification layer and scenario analysis capabilities
  • Separate modification layers from the base model to combine an installed model with hierarchical proposed modifications. All modifications are saved for future use
  • Separate loading layer from geometry layer as well as combine loading layer with a geometric layer to create an analysis scenario
  • Analyze and compare as many scenarios as needed to deduce the optimum configuration
  • Physical modeling with bearing angle for square and triangular self-supporting and guyed towers
  • Fast model generation wizards
  • Edit models parametrically to increase efficiency and save time
  • Enable precise modeling with automatic member orientation

Flexible Libraries, Catalogs, and Tables

Leverage a comprehensive library of panel types and ancillary equipment as well as in-application bracing, equipment, and section profile libraries so it’s easy to add antenna, dish, TME, feedlines, and attachment equipment from major manufacturers or you can choose to customize your own.

  • Library of reusable bracing patterns and truss legs
  • Custom tower catalog for commonly used built-up section profiles and materials
  • Extensive database of mount, discrete, and linear appurtenances

Realistic 3D Graphics

  • Tower and all equipment are drawn to scale
  • Smart input screens for precise position of equipment with azimuth and offsets
  • OpenTower adopted “Wysiwyg” philosophy to promote precision modeling
  • All section profiles, including built-up sections like split-pipe, are drawn to scale with appropriate rotation of its major and minor axes
  • Feedline Tool positions feedlines along the height of the tower by forming and moving feedline stacks on a grid system
  • Visualization shows realistic 3D graphics of all modeled equipment on the tower along with geometry

Tower Modification and Scenario Analysis

  • Automatic generation of wind, ice, and seismic load cases for tower structures and external attachments as per TIA-222-F, TIA-222-G, and TIA-222-H standards
  • Hierarchical modification layers and scenario analysis for “what–if” scenario investigation and data management

Analysis-linear Static, P-delta, Nonlinear, Cable, and Modal Analysis

  • Post-processing features include joint displacements, member forces, stresses, support reactions, leg compression, deflection, tilt, and twist results in terms of diagrams and tables
  • Enables the user to have a detailed insight of the analysis results
  • Helps to plot multiple post-processing diagrams for a selective set of physical members for complex structures

Foundation, Connection, and Member Design

Automatically understand the effects of connections on member design calculations and check efficiencies. OpenTower Designer makes it easy to define member connections with various bolt patterns and even offers pre-defined bolt configurations.

Design as per TIA-222-F, TIA-222-G, and TIA-222-H Standards Custom tower catalog for commonly used built-up section profiles and materials

Integrated foundation design saves time and reduces errors. (U.S. code) Integrated foundation design for tower legs and guy support points, including pad-pier, drilled pier, guy anchor foundations and mat foundations helps maintain a streamlined workflow.

Customizable, User-friendly Report-generation

  • Create reports from structure data to loading analysis results to design capacities for members and bolts
  • Create complete reports directly from OpenTower and avoid manual report compilation activities
  • Establish dynamic update links and save time

Design in Accordance with International Design Standards

  • U.S. design standards (with OpenTower)
  • Eurocode 3, British National Annex, and PD 6688 (with OpenTower Europe)


When working from an existing model it’s easy to import files from another application to quickly put OpenTower Designer to work. You can import models from other applications such as TnxTower (U.S.) or MS Tower.

  • Import tnxTower or Risa Tower models
  • Interoperability with STAAD.Pro and other Bentley products for design, detailing, and drawing generations
  • Safe software FME integration
  • Preconfigure integration with ProjectWise
  • Bentley Map Mobile publishing

Intel Core i7 or similar

Operating System

Windows 10 x 64


16 GB minimum, 32 GB recommended

Available Languages


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