Steel beam design software

Design composite steel beams
RAM SBeam is an easy-to-use, composite steel beam design application that considers skip loading, unbraced bending segment, partial composite and construction constraints to produce the optimal composite beam designs.
RAM SBeam supports the design standards of AISC 360, CAN/CSA S16, BS5950, Eurocode, and AS 4100. Using one of several design codes, RAM SBeam can select the optimum beam size or check the adequacy of existing construction. RAM SBeam helps you save time by providing rapid evaluation and comparison between various beams under various load conditions, while providing a more economical design for your client.
Model beams of many types
Model beams of many types including composite, castellated, and cellular beams
Produce design reports
Produce comprehensive, yet concise, structural design reports
Work with many load types
Work with load types such as uniform, partial uniform, trapezoidal, and concentrated loads, including new partition live loading.
- Composite beam design and investigation
- Non-composite beam design and investigation
- Cantilevers
- Braced or unbraced compression flange
- AISC, ASD, LRFD, Canadian, Indian, British or Eurocode design
- English, SI, and Metric units
- Rolled and built-up shapes
- Foreign and domestic steel tables
- Web opening design
- Beam self-weight automatically included
- Load diagrams
- Shear, moment, and deflection diagrams
- User control of design criteria and parameters
- Run as a stand-alone program or launch from RAM Structural System or from RAM Elements
Multiple cores utilized but not required
Operating System
Windows 8 or later
1GB recommended Hard Disk 100MB free disk space
256MB video card with DirectX 9 compatible (DirectX 10 compatible recommended)