Flexible pricing options so you have the perfect fit for your design needs.
Perpetual Licence
This is the traditional means of licensing your software. This is a purchase of an asset alongside an optional annual SELECT support agreement
Purchase once — maintain yearly
With SELECT maintenance you get:
Purchase once – own forever
Spread the cost over two or three years
Virtuoso Annual Subscription
Each 12 month subscription comes with a number of “keys” which can be exchanged for online training.
Subscriptions include a number of ‘Keys’ (much like tokens) that can be redeemed for expert services and training.
Additional keys may be purchased.
Reality Modeling WorkSuite and WorkSuite Advanced
The Reality Modeling WorkSuite is a sales bundle that offers you access to Bentley’s most popular reality modeling applications ContextCapture, Orbit 3DM Feature Extraction, Pointools, and ProjectWise ContextShare, at a discounted price. Reality capture through 3D photogrammetry or laser scanning can be difficult. Save time with Bentley’s solutions and continually produce high-fidelity 3D reality models.
End-to-end solution for adding digital context to your projects
Bentley’s reality modeling software can handle any size, and from any source including point cloud, imagery (including 360), textured 3D mesh, and traditional GIS resources. You can integrate and combine all your reality data, from any source, into one single digital context. Easily visualize and navigate 3D mapping data real-time in full 2D and 3D. Take advantage of automated measurements and extract features for asset inventory, floor plan building, and asset verification and attribution. Add real-world context throughout the lifecycle of projects in design, construction, and operations.
Annual Subscriptions include:
12-month subscription license, including 3-5 Keys