
Cadventure Support Women in BIM Conference of Discovery

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As you may know, Cadventure have more than 35 years of experience providing leading solutions to the AEC industry. Our mission is to understand what is important to our clients and help turn your ideas into reality. The key to this is to equip you with the tools and training that you need to help deliver your projects. 

Known for our passion for Bentley Systems, Vectorworks, Solibri and Bluebeam software solutions, we empower architects, engineers, construction professionals and designers by providing them with the right software, training, consultancy, and support.

We strive to help clients develop and improve their information management practices, streamline project workflows, and make better use of their data. With our team of experts, we can offer a range of services and software tools, along with strategic advice to help you store, access and manage your project information effectively.

Cadventure have been proudly supporting Women in BIM for over 10 years and are delighted to announce that once again, we will be sponsoring their latest conference that takes place on Thursday the 4th of July at the Institute of Directors in London.

Women in BIM (WIB) is a not-for-profit global community encouraging digital and technological innovation. We support the pioneering women driving the transformation of the digital built environment.

With 2,300+ members and 94 regional leads across 50 countries, we have seen enormous growth in activities in the past 12 months, reinforcing how important the group is and how essential our people are in driving change for diversity and inclusion across the construction industry.

The theme for this year’s Women in BIM conference is discovery, meaning that you will have the opportunity to discover new aspects about yourself and what you are capable of. You can expect to hear from speakers within the digital construction field who will share their own experiences and useful insights into the built environment’s future. It is also an amazing opportunity to network and connect with others within the community.

To learn more and register for this conference, please CLICK HERE.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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