Logo |Cadventure is part of Bentley Systems.

Help Maximise Your Competitive Advantage


Our consultancy team comprises leading experts in their field, able to offer tailored tactical and strategic advice to guide the successful deployment of your BIM and CAD systems.

We offer consultancy on world leading design, engineering and project management software, enabling your business to increase its capabilities and work smarter. 

It’s not always enough to be able to simply use your software, you have to understand what it can do, and more importantly what it can do for you.

To get the most from your software, our expert team will educate and empower you, helping you make informed decisions, enabling project success.

3D design software consultancy and more

Increase your competitive advantage and win new work

CAD technology and BIM are proven modern methods of construction which will make your business more attractive to new and existing clients, and if they are not already part of your future business strategy, we can show you how to make this happen and what benefits you will enjoy in return by increasing your competitive advantage.

Cadventure consultancy services

Our commitment to our customers is to guarantee you the best solution – at the lowest cost of ownership for your requirements – with the expertise to help develop and sustain your competitive edge. We not only provide an unrivalled service in solution delivery, but work with you to enable rapid return on your investment.

  • BIM execution plans
  • CAD standards development and review
  • Programming & customisation
  • Virtual CAD management
  • Training needs analysis
  • CAD standards support
  • A CAD systems health check

Contact us in confidence

To arrange your confidential initial consultation about your individual requirements, please call +44 (0) 207 436 9004 or email us.

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