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OpenSite Designer

Conceptual site design in hours not days

Conceptual Civil Site Design Software

Bentley’s OpenSite proven software as a service (SaaS) enables you to create numerous conceptual site designs in a fraction of the time by helping you evaluate more information in the early stages of your project, design more efficiently, and minimise your land development costs.

Move beyond engineering to optioneering with the use of parametric design, smart objects, and optimisation.

Generate conceptual site layout

Generate multiple site design options with associated costs in hours not days. Create parking lots, streets, sidewalks, and other options with auto-drawing capabilities. You can quickly look at different design scenarios for commercial, industrial, and campus projects to optimise site layout.

Generate conceptual site layout

Generate grading and stormwater drainage plans

Quickly create, revise, and optimise conceptual layouts with grading and stormwater drainage plans while viewing associated costs. Generate cut and fill estimates on the fly. Save time and money while reducing project risks with the ability to generate fully cost-optimised conceptual site plans and takeoff budgets in minutes.

Integrate multi-discipline models in site designs

Ensure models represent all project information by incorporating site designs, drainage, driveways, buildings, and other site features. Import models to readily view the model holistically in the proposed environment.

Incorporate topography and aerial imagery

Incorporate topography and aerial imagery

Jump-start the conceptual design process by importing imagery and topographic data from USGS to view the design in a real-world setting. Drape imagery on TIN surfaces for quick 3D surface visualisation. You can readily view the site’s capabilities in any location to gain insight in the design.

Simulate vehicle path movement

Reduce costly design errors by simulating vehicle path movement throughout the site design process to readily identify issues early in the project. Use a pre-populated library of vehicle templates or design custom templates to meet your project needs. You can export files in DWG, Land XML, and PDF formats.

Simulate vehicle path movement

Key Features

  • Instantly import the latest imagery and topographic data accessible from USGS and other sources.
  • Build dynamic 3D models while you work in 2D.
  • Quickly create, revise, and optimise site design layouts.
  • Input CAD or surface files and receive outputs compatible with Bentley, Civil 3D, SketchUp, and Google Earth products.
  • Auto-generate a preliminary grading budget.
  • Deliver valuable engineering information to your client faster on any land development project.

Want to learn more?

If you are interested in purchasing Bentley OpenSite, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

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